Tuesday, January 17, 2012

If only life were that easy...

We have been playing the farming game the last few nights.  For those who are not familiar with it, the way it works is kind of like monopoly, only you can borrow money from the bank.  When you borrow you get a white paper for your promissory note.  Emma was being a true farmer and having a very hard time.  I kept buying "option to buy" cards off of her to help keep her afloat.  At one point she was running short of money and didn't have anything I could use.  Not fully understanding the game, she tried to sell Daddy her promissory note papers.  :)  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Where's Daddy....

Awhile back Daddy was down stairs while the girls were playing upstairs.  Abigail went looking for him.  She went to the top of the stairs and called down "Are you down there Daddy?".  Daddy answered, "No."  She called again, "Daddy, are you down there?"  Daddy answered, "No, Daddy's not down here."  She thought for a minute and  then asked again, "Daddy, are you down there?".  Once again Daddy said, "No, Daddy's not down here."  She turned to her sisters and said, in all seriousness, Daddy's not down there.  Daddy came to the bottom of the stairs laughing.  Now it is a joke with Abby to ask if Daddy or Mommy are down there.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Daddy's Girl...

I was sitting next to Mike in church tonight, with Sammy on my lap, when she started staring at him.  When he looked down at her, she gave him one of her biggest grins.  He smiled back and looked away.  Continuing to stare at him, she touched his arm.  Again he looked down at her, smiling.  She gave him another huge grin and then tilted her head to one side and, in a sweet soft voice, said "da, da". :) And they say babies aren't very smart.  If she could talk she could have talked Daddy into anything right then and there.  It was almost too much. :)  Big Daddy wrapped around that tiny, little finger already.   :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Why can't I move my.....teeth?

While standing on the stool in front of the bathroom mirror, Maggie said, "Bill can move his teeth in and out with his tongue, kind of like a box.  Like this."  She made a motion with her tongue.  "I'm trying, but I can't move mine."  Laughing, I told her I can't move mine either.  "Why", she asked.  :)  She found it very interesting when I explained to her how some people take theirs out to clean them.

Blind Faith...

Daddy was sitting down to read the girls a bible story today, when Abby came to me crying.  Apparently, the other two wanted to read about Jesus and His death and Abby didn't want to read about Jesus dying.  Daddy assured her that even though Jesus died for us, He is alive today.  Of course she didn't understand, but she believed Daddy so it was enough to dry her tears.  Oh that we would always have that kind of faith in our heavenly Father.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Three of my blessings

Mag Pie


Saturday, January 7, 2012


Did you know you should not jump rope barefoot?  I was trying to show my girls how to jump rope the other day when I said "Here, watch this."  I very gracefully tried to jump the rope, which caught on one of my toes and folded it under my foot as I landed.  While sitting on the floor holding my throbbing foot, I was surrounded by three very worried and interested girls.  A little later, after I told them it was broken, Maggie asked "Is it going to fall off?" :) 

At this point, I have to wear my camo work boots.  They are the only shoes I have that will fit over my toe splint.  My sympathetic husband said he can't wait to see me wear them to church. :)